Easter 2023
Horticulture Queensland
Type: Brand Activation
Location: Queen Street Mall
The Event Wranglers created a two-stage Easter pop-up activation to celebrate the humble carrot and raise awareness for Horticulture Queensland and their growers.
Stage one took place in Queen Street Mall where the Easter Bunny made a surprise visit, burrowing her way through a 750kg mound of carrots and heading off to a mystery location. Barn-style signage and brand ambassadors were used to convey the messaging.
Then, on Easter Sunday, in the early hours of the morning, a 6 meter-high inflatable Easter Bunny ‘appeared’ in Australia’s carrot capital, the Scenic Rim to the delight of holiday makers in the area.
All carrots used for the activation were donated to a farm animal rescue farm and local cattle farmers.

Giant rabbit burrowing into a pile on carrots in Queen Street Mall

Giant rabbit burrowing into a pile on carrots in Queen Street Mall

Rabbit footprints spotted in Queen Street Mall

Giant mount of carrots in Scenic Rim Queensland

Rabbit footprints spotted in Queen Street Mall

Rabbit diving into a pile of carrots

Information sign about rabbits and carrots

Rabbit diving into a pile of carrots

Carrot activation in Queen Street mall Brisbane

Carrot activation in Queen Street mall Brisbane